What is Meditation? What is the best type of Meditation for me? How to meditate at home? Do I have to take part in one Meditation Teacher Training? Meditation raises many questions.

What is Meditation?
Meditation is a practice using a few different techniques like Mindfulness, Metta Meditation, Zen, Vipassana…
What the purpose of Meditate? Meditation isn’t about become a new person or change your life, Meditation is about awareness and gets a healthy sense of perspective. You learn to listen to your thoughts or feelings, not to turn off, without judgment. And then you could start to better understand them.
Meditation has been practiced since antiquity, often as part of the path towards enlightenment and self-realization. The earliest records of meditation (Dhyana), come from the Hindu traditions of Vedantism. Asian meditative techniques have been spread to other cultures, since the 19th century.
The aims of Meditation course are to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, as well as increasing peace, perception, self-concept, and well-being.

Different types of Meditation – Meditation Course Bali
In a stressful world where our senses are often dulled, Meditation offers time for relaxation and heightened awareness. Meditation has different benefits. Some of them will work better for you than others. A Meditation Teacher Training Bali could help you to figure out.
There are more than 100 different types of Meditation in Meditation Course Bali, so we will explore the more popular in our modern world.
The 8 follow types of Meditation will be a detailed study in a future article:
– Mindfulness – Zen Meditation
– Metta Meditation – Yogic Meditation
– Body Scan or Progressive Relaxation – Taoist Meditation
– Breath Awareness Meditation – Guided Meditation

How to meditate at home
There is no “right way” to meditate, that’s mean you will have to explore different techniques, different teachers until you find one work for you or more that’s deepen your purpose. At Yoga Dunia, we love to practice different techniques.
The advantage of practicing Meditation at home is the comfort of choosing the right time for you, according to your life. But never forget that’s will ask you a constant discipline.
You could find many apps to help you, one of our favorites is Insight Timer, where you may find many techniques and teachers to help you start a new journey in the Meditation world.
If you are a more advanced practitioner maybe it’s time to think about following a Meditation Teacher Training. It’s coming, stay tuned!!

Why become a Meditation Teacher
Because the world needs it!! Meditation becomes more and more popular with our busy and stressful life. Help us to spread the relaxation, gratitude, positivity, and more, that’s every Human need.
Meditation Teacher Training will help deepen your persona meditation practice and receive many ancient and powerful tools to apply to your personal life while gaining the confidence and skills to teach others.